John Stewart – Creative photography

John is a retired physician, author, and photographer who is now developing his long-standing passion for photography to greater heights.
Born in Manitoba, Canada, John has lived and worked overseas in such places as Jamaica, Britain, and Kenya. He finally returned to Canada, living in Montreal and working in the McGill University Hospitals as a neurologist for over 30 years. He then migrated west and has been happily ensconced on Vancouver’s “North Shore” for 15 years. He lives in Ambleside, West Vancouver, a delightful town nestled between the sea and the Coastal Mountains and bordered by the Capilano River and the elegant Lions Gate Bridge. 
John has photographed in many other countries but recently has been particularly fond of capturing the unique beauty and nature of Ambleside. Ships, trains and local float plane traffic pass by and, in spite of modernization trends, the North Shore still contains many traditional houses and beautiful gardens.
It could be said that John has an eclectic style. His subjects include almost everything except indoor highly staged images. His portfolio includes landscapes, birds, “critters”, people, and cityscapes. One of his fondest subjects is what he used to call “junk photography”, now appropriately renamed “hidden beauties”. This genre is displayed below. His latest imaging addiction is to urban wildlife, particularly birds.
His images have been published in several medical and non-medical books and magazines. They have been displayed in a variety of locations and exhibitions in and around Vancouver. 

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